Sunday 5 January 2014

Finished anatomy

This is a finished anatomy drawing, made with pencil. The drawing took about 40 minuets to be complete. The drawing shows a standing man in a relaxed position. His left leg is sitting on a chair. He is located higher than the right one.

His left hand is sitting on to the left knee, while the right one is holing on the  left one. The right leg is stepped on the ground for balance. 

The light source is coming from the back of the model. The light is really strong, casting strong highlights on the back of the person and nice shadows on his front. The chair he is sitting on casts shadow on his hip. 
His head is leaning foreword. 

Finished still life

This is a finished still life composition, made with pencil. The drawing toke about 50 minuets to be complete. The composition is made by five different types of vases, made from one material. The drawing is shaded completely. Each item on has different shape and different height. 

The focal point in this drawing is located on the highlights on the second highest object, which has a really strange shape. The area of interest is located on to the huge object that looks like a jar. The big object has
a nice details on it. All the items are kissing and none is left aside. The eye is concentrated on the bigger objects on the table. 

The light source is located on the left of the table, the light is strong, as well as the shadows. All the objects are above a nice curvy sheet, casting a shadow over it. 

Finished landscape

This is a finished architecture drawing, made with pencil. The drawing took about an hour and 30 minuets to be finished. The unique feature about this drawing is the curves of, which slide in the rear of each of the
three main support pillars. They look like spiral and are going from top to bottom. The three pillars are linked one to another in among. The link is located on the top part of the monument. The monument is really interesting because of the shapes which has. The shapes change from every angle. The drawing has a three perspective points. They are located on top of each pillar. They combine in some point of the void. Although, the main lines are not perfectly strait.

The focal point in this drawing is the link among the pillars. The area of interest is located on beneath the link, where the drawing is most detailed - the place where you can see the third pillar, where it makes wonderful shapes.

Week 13 Facial Expression and mood

This is a portrait drawing, made with pencil. The drawing toked about an hour to be complete. The portrait is made form front - side view. The topic for this portrait is expression. The expression in this drawing
is hypnoses, because the model been drown is staring like hypnotized at the TV. 

The eyes are watching at one direction, and the right eye is a little hidden by the nose. The gesture of this drawing is relaxing. The ear is shown beneath the hair, and has en earring on it. The nose turned out great,
because the hardest part is drawn correctly. The mouth is on the right place, but the main curve line which divides the upper and lower lip is a bit wrong. 

The light souse is coming strait to the face, and is really strong. The shading reveals the facial muscles and the skull. And small highlight is shining in the eye.

Week 12 Facial Anatomy

This is a portrait drawing made with charcoal. The drawing tooled about 15 minuets to be complete. The face is drown from a side view. The right eye is easily seen, while the left eye is on the other side of the nose,
making only part of it visible. 

This drawing has a strong highlights. The strongest highlight is located on the forehead. Also, the chin is highly lighted. The light source is coming left from the model's head, making very interesting shades, formed on the right part of models face. 

Most of the facial parts are located on the right place, the left part is on the right spot, but the chin is a little to big and to stretched out, despite the facet that the original model has a pretty stretched out chin.
And the year is supposed to go a little more upwards. The area of interest in this drawing is the forehead, the eyes and the eyebrows, because of the strong highlight. The eye is following the highlights, which are going down the nose and to the chin. 

Week 11 Colour in skin

This is a pastel drawing of a naked model. The drawing is made for about 15 minuets. The color palette chosen for this drawing is black and white on a green background. The black is sticking out of the green, while the white gives strong highlights. 

The model is sitting on a table, covered with a sheet. The right leg is standing higher then the left one. And the right arm is leaning on the leg and the head is leaning on the right arm, giving support for the body.
The left shoulder is stretched forward, and the arm is placed among the legs, giving balance for the drawing. 
The focal point for this drawing is the left part of the hip, because the highlights there are the strongest. From there, the eye follows the highlights on the leg and then going upwards from the left stretched arm, while noticing the  right limbs of the figure.

Week 10 Clothing and drapery

This is a pastel drawing of a model wearing a huge robe. The drawing is made for about 20 minuets.
The robe is covering almost the entire body of the posing model, and makes a lot of curves. The model is sitting on a chair, allowing the drapery to slide down his body and create the wonderful curves. A bit information is given for the limbs of the model, just enough to give information of where everything stands. The left leg is standing on a higher level then the right one, and both hands are comfortably relaxed on both feet on different height, giving balance to the drawing. 

I choose purple paper with white and dark blue pastels for this drawing. The blue sticks out from the bright purple, while the white gives strong highlights. 

The focal point of this drawing is the right arm. After the eye sees it, starts following the curves among the legs, which make an "M"shape, then goes to the left leg and arm. The strong highlights give the drawing 
a more detailed and specific look.