Sunday 5 January 2014

Week 13 Facial Expression and mood

This is a portrait drawing, made with pencil. The drawing toked about an hour to be complete. The portrait is made form front - side view. The topic for this portrait is expression. The expression in this drawing
is hypnoses, because the model been drown is staring like hypnotized at the TV. 

The eyes are watching at one direction, and the right eye is a little hidden by the nose. The gesture of this drawing is relaxing. The ear is shown beneath the hair, and has en earring on it. The nose turned out great,
because the hardest part is drawn correctly. The mouth is on the right place, but the main curve line which divides the upper and lower lip is a bit wrong. 

The light souse is coming strait to the face, and is really strong. The shading reveals the facial muscles and the skull. And small highlight is shining in the eye.

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