Sunday 5 January 2014

Week 12 Facial Anatomy

This is a portrait drawing made with charcoal. The drawing tooled about 15 minuets to be complete. The face is drown from a side view. The right eye is easily seen, while the left eye is on the other side of the nose,
making only part of it visible. 

This drawing has a strong highlights. The strongest highlight is located on the forehead. Also, the chin is highly lighted. The light source is coming left from the model's head, making very interesting shades, formed on the right part of models face. 

Most of the facial parts are located on the right place, the left part is on the right spot, but the chin is a little to big and to stretched out, despite the facet that the original model has a pretty stretched out chin.
And the year is supposed to go a little more upwards. The area of interest in this drawing is the forehead, the eyes and the eyebrows, because of the strong highlight. The eye is following the highlights, which are going down the nose and to the chin. 

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