Sunday 5 January 2014

Week 7 Manmade forms

This is a drawing on man made vehicles, made with few types of pencil. The drawing is made for about one hour and twenty minuets. At first, the bike was sketched very careful, because it contained a lot of different parts, made by combining simple shapes and forms, used in the basic observational drawing.

The perspective was hard to do. There was a small angle on the front wheel and handle and also to the back part of the bike. This drawing had many elements of technical drawing, just as every other man made vehicle. And to get the motorbike done correctly, a lot of five minuet sketches where required before the beginning of the finished drawing.

The oncoming light was really strong. That is why the shading was made very careful. To be accurate, a few types of soft pencil where required. The vantage point is behind the back wheel. And the other side of the handle is an example of four shortening. 

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